Do you want to learn How to reset Chromecast Ultra 4K? Then you are at the right place. This article will guide you step by step to Restore Factory Reset you Chromecast Ultra 4K. Specially if your device is stuck or freeze and you can’t load the home screen just follow these steps and Chrome Cast Ultra 4K will start working smoothly without any lag.

Follow these steps
- First of all, plug in Chromecast Ultra 4K to power supply and press reset button.
- Once it is about to reset an orange light will start blinking.
- When the light gets purple and steady release the button.
- Then reset process will start, during the process light might blink and change colours till reset is complete.
- Wait till light becomes blue and steady. This mean reset process has been completed.
- Now plug-in Chromecast Ultra 4K HD and enjoy.
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